Seattle Turbine Parts
Turboprop Specialists


"Since 1988"
TPE331 Parts

Seattle Turbine specializes in parts for the Honeywell TPE331 series engines. It is impossible to stock all the parts for these engines, "just ask the manufacturer". Therefore; if we do not have the part you need in stock, we will make every effort to, locate that part for you.

Seattle Turbine stocks new, serviceable and repairable parts, but we specialize in overhauled units from the best overhaul/repair facilities.

As part of our continuous Quality Control Procedures, we audit all our repair vendors once a year. In addition, most major repair vendors are visited by management two or more times per year.

Seattle Turbine strives to develop a close working relationship with our repair vendors so that we are the first to know of technological advances in repair and overhaul.

Seattle Turbine is always looking for reliable sources for turbine engine parts. If you have one part, several parts, or a complete engine, please contact us for a fast, fair offer.

We specialize in procuring and
stocking hard to find turboprop engine parts.

Seattle Turbine Parts

Contact: Ray Frye or Lana Blake

Pierce County Airport
16706 103rd Ave. CT. E
Unit 18
Puyallup, WA 98375-6224

Office - (253) 770-7567
Fax - (253) 770-7579
E-Mail - or